Botrychium pedunculosum W.H. Wagner
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Family: Ophioglossaceae
Genus: Botrychium
Species Synonyms: none
Common Names: stalked moonwort
Canada: central British Columbia, southwestern Alberta, southwestern and east-central Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan: southwestern and east-central Saskatchewan
Ecoregion: Cypress Upland, Mid-Boreal Lowland
Saskatchewan: open pine or spruce woods on rotting wood litter
Canada: bushy habitats along streams and roadsides
Provincial Status According
to Harms (2003):
Nature Conservancy Status:
G2G3 N1 S1
Saskatchewan Species at
Risk Status:
Stalked moonwort is endangered because of extreme rarity in Saskatchewan and is almost always locally sparse. No immediate threats are known but are possible in the future.
Height: < 25 cm
Stipe: common stalk with reddish-brown stripe
Fronds: solitary, sterile blade stalk 0.8 – 2.5 cm long, to 1.1 times length of rachis, blade to 4.5 cm long, 2 cm wide, ovate to oblong, once pinnate, leathery, dull green; pinnae up to 5 pairs, ascending, approximate to distant, distance between first and second pinnae equal or slightly greater than between second and third pairs, basal pinnae equal in size to second pair, oval to spoon-shaped, venation pinnate, margin lobed; fertile blades 2 – 4 times as long as sterile blades, 1 – 3 times pinnate
Sporangia: short-stalked to sessile on lateral branches, round
Spores: small, yellow
1 Sterile blades 5 – 25 cm long, triangular, 2 – 4 times pinnately compound; fertile blades may be absent; plants over 12 cm tall
1 Sterile blades 2 – 5 cm long or absent, oblong to linear or triangular, simple to pinnate or pinnatifed; fertile blades always present; plants less than 15 cm tall
2 Sterile blades thin; sheaths on common stalk open; fertile blades, when present, arising from high ;on common stalk; common stalk usually longer than 10 cm, hairless
B. virginianum
2 Sterile blades herbaceous or thick to leathery; sheaths on common stalk closed; fertile blades, when present, arising from the basal portion of the common stalk; common stalk less than 8 cm long, somewhat hairy
B. multifidum
3 Sterile blades linear to oblong, simple to lobed; plants in deep shade under shrubs and trees
B. simplex
3 Sterile blades linear to triangular, pinnate or absent; plants usually in exposed sites
4 Distance between first and second pinnae greater than that between second and third pairs
B. simplex
4 Distance between first and second pinnae equal to or slightly more than between second and third pairs or sterile blade absent
5 Sterile blades present, basal pinnae fan-shaped to spoon-shaped, midrib absent
5 Sterile may be replaced by fertile blade, basal pinnae inversely lanceolate to linear to oval, midrib present
6 Sterile blades oval to triangular
B. simplex
6 Sterile blades oblong to lance-shaped
7 Sterile blades thick and leathery, dark greyish-green to yellowish; basal pinnae broadly fan-shaped
B. lunaria
7 Sterile blades thin (except B. campestre), dark to light green or yellowish; basal pinnae narrowly fan-shaped or wedge-shaped to linear
8 Sterile blades folded longitudinally, up to 5 pairs of pinnae; plants of prairies or meadows
B. campestre
8 Sterile blades flat or folded only at the base, up to 10 pairs of pinnae; plants of woodlands
B. minganense
9 Sterile blade replaced by fertile blade, resulting in two fertile blades
B. paradoxum
9 Sterile blade present, distinct from fertile blade
10 Sterile blades subsessile, blades triangular; fertile blades divided equally several times, about equal to 2.5 times longer than sterile blades
B. lanceolatum
10 Sterile blades oval to oblong or triangular; fertile blades with one main axis, 2 - 4 times longer than sterile blades
11 Sterile blade long-stalked, stalk equal to length of blade; few spore sacs may be present on the basal pinnae of sterile blade
B. pedunculosum
11 Sterile blade sessile to short-stalked, stalk less than ¼ length of blade; spore sacs never present on basal pinnae of sterile blade
B. hesperium