Potamogeton amplifolius Tuckerman
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Family: Potamogetonaceae
Genus: Potamogeton
Species Synonyms: none
Common Names: largeleaf pondweed
broad-leaved pondweed
Canada: south-central British Columbia, central Saskatchewan – Manitoba – Ontario – Quebec – Newfoundland – Nova Scotia
Saskatchewan: central Saskatchewan; Prince Albert National Park – Churchill River
Ecoregion: Mid-Boreal Upland, Churchill River Upland
Saskatchewan: in shallow quiet water of protected lake bays, ponds, and slow-moving streams
Canada: lakes and streams
Provincial Status According
to Harms (2003):
Nature Conservancy Status:
G5 S1
Saskatchewan Species at
Risk Status:
Potamogeton amplifolius is endangered because of extreme rarity in Saskatchewan. No immediate threats are known but may occur in the future.
Height: 6 – 100 cm
Roots: roots fibrous; rhizomes present
Stems: terete, often rusty spotted
Leaves: submersed leaves 5 – 12 cm long, 1.5 – 6 cm wide, ovate to oblanceolate, base rounded to acute, not clasping, lax, light to dark green, veins 20 – 50 and arcuate, margin entire; stipular sheaths persistent, conspicuous, free from the base of the leaf blade, light brown, not fibrous or shredding at tip; petioles to 6 cm long, terete; floating leaves petiolate, 4 – 9 cm long, 2.5 – 4 cm wide, lanceolate to elliptic, base rounded to cordate, veins 27 – 50
Inflorescence: spikes terminal or axillary, erect, 3.5 – 8 cm long, cylindrical, not dimorphic, emersed; peduncles not dimorphic
Flowers: small, greenish; tepals 4; stamens 4; ovaries 4
Fruits: drupe sessile, reddish-brown, with a prominent central beak
1 Stipular sheaths of submersed leaves adnate to base of leaf blade; leaf margins cartilaginous
P. robbinsii
1 Stipular sheaths of submersed leaves free from base of leaf blade; leaf margins not cartilaginous
2 Submersed leaves oblong to lanceolate to nearly orbicular
2 Submersed leaves ribbon-like or thread-like
3 Leaf margins conspicuously serrate and undulate; turions present
P. crispus
3 Leaf margins entire or undulate; turions absent
4 Submersed leaves clasping; floating leaves absent
4 Submersed leaves not clasping, may be petiolate; floating leaves present or absent
5 Stipules persistent; rhizome with rusty spots
P. praelongus
5 Stipules shredding into fibres; rhizome not obviously spotted
P. richardsonii
6 Floating leaf blade rounded to cordate; stem rusty or black-spotted; submersed leaves arcuate
P. amplifolius
6 Floating leaf blade cuneate or rounded; stems without spots; submersed leaves not arcuate
7 Submersed leaves petiolate
P. nodosus
7 Submersed leaves sessile
8 Fruits plump, pedicellate; submersed leaf blade 7 – 9-veined
P. alpinus
8 Fruits compressed, sessile; submersed leaf blade 3 – 19-veined
P. gramineus
9 Floating leaves present on at least some plants in a population
9 Floating leaves absent
10 Lacunae present and prominent; submersed leaves with distinction between blade and petiole; leaves dimorphic, the floating ones long-petioled and wider than the submersed ones
P. epihydrus
10 Lacunae absent or not prominent; submersed leaves phyllodial; leaves uniform, no distinction between the floating and submersed leaves
P. natans
11 Nodes without glands
11 Nodes glandular
12 Leaves 15 – 35-veined, greater than 2 mm wide; stem wing-flattened
P. zosteriformis
12 Leaves 3 – 5-veined, less than 2 mm wide; stem not wing-flattened
P. foliosus ssp. foliosus
13 Stipules fibrous, whitish
13 Stipules not fibrous, green, brown or whitish
14 Leaf apex acute to apiculate, leaves thin, 5 – 7-nerved; peduncles at most 5 cm long
P. friesii
14 Leaf apex bristle-tipped; leaves firm, 3-nerved; peduncles to 9 cm long
P. strictifolius
15 Fruits 2.5 – 3.5 mm long
P. obtusifolius
15 Fruits 1.5 – 2 mm long
16 Mature fruits obovoid; peduncles 1 – 3 per plant; leaf blade with less than 2 rows of lacunae along midrib
P. pusillus ssp. pusillus
16 Mature fruits widest at the middle; peduncles more than 3 per plant; leaf blade with 1 – 5 rows of lacunae along midrib
P. pusillus ssp. tenuissimus