<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> Special Courses
University of SaskatchewanPAWS
Disocactus ackermanii
Room 128, Biology Department
University of Saskatchewan
W.P. Thompson Building
Tel: (306) 966-4440

D. ackermanii Home D. ackermanii Research D. ackermanii Publications D. ackermanii People D. ackermanii Courses D. ackermanii Sponsors D. ackermanii SASK Herbarium D. ackermanii News D. ackermanii Links D. ackermanii Contact
Special Biology Courses


BIOLOGY 898 - (Special Topics) Advanced Plant Systematics

Assigned reading and tutorials, projects and/or lectures in special topics related to the student's major field of interest. Students are required to prepare three essays or term papers or their equivalent if another form of evaluation is more appropriate. Contact the college to see what is being offerred in the upcoming year.

Tropical Field Trip to Kaua'i, Hawai'i (2003)

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