University of SaskatchewanPAWS
Disocactus ackermanii
Room 128, Biology Department
University of Saskatchewan
W.P. Thompson Building
Tel: (306) 966-4440

D. ackermanii Home D. ackermanii Research D. ackermanii Publications D. ackermanii People D. ackermanii Courses D. ackermanii Sponsors D. ackermanii SASK Herbarium D. ackermanii News D. ackermanii Links D. ackermanii Contact


University of Saskatchewan Pages

College of Graduate Studies and Research -This site provides ample information regarding graduate education, including important general and scholarships information and application forms for prospective graduate students, postdoctoral and visiting fellows.

Department of Plant Sciences - Centre for teaching and research related to the development, production and management of field and horticultural crops on the Canadian prairies.

SASK Herbarium - The largest herbarium in Saskatchewan. It specializes in the provincial flora and houses approximately 180,000 specimens.

Internet Resources for Systematists

Angiosperm Phylogeny Website - Includes descriptions of orders and families of extant angiosperms and gymnosperms.

Genbank - The largest online database disseminating published DNA sequence and other genetic data.

MrBayes - Program for the Bayesian estimation of phylogeny.

PAUP* - Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony is the most widely used software package for the inference of evolutionary trees.

Tree of Life - Important website with information about the Earth’s biodiversity and the evolutionary relationships and characteristics of organisms.

Other Labs Conducting Research on the Cactaceae

E. Edwards Lab - Brown University

J. Mauseth Lab - University of Texas, Austin

R. Nyffeler Lab - Institut für Systematische Botanik

R. Wallace Lab - Iowa State University


American Society of Plant Taxonomists

Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation

Botanical Society of America

Canadian Botanical Association

Cactus and Succulent Society of America

Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan

Nature Saskatchewan

Sociedad Mexicana de Cactología, A.C.

Deutsche Kakteen-Gesellschaft e.V.

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