University of SaskatchewanPAWS
Disocactus ackermanii
Room 128, Biology Department
University of Saskatchewan
W.P. Thompson Building
Tel: (306) 966-4440

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Explanation of authorship: First author indicates primary responsibility for developing and writing the project. Last author (PI) indicates leading the development and supervision of the entire research project including significant contribution to the writing process.

Selected Publications, Books, Book Chapters and Reports

Ito, Y. and J.H. Cota-Sánchez. (Accepted-In Press). Notes on the distribution and conservation status of Sparganium (Typhaceae) in the Canadian Prairie Provinces. Great Plains Research Journal.

Almeida, O.J.G., J.H. Cota-Sánchez, and A.A.S. Paoli. (2013). The systematic significance of floral morphology, nectaries, and sugar nectar concentration in epiphytic cacti of tribes Hylocereeae and Rhipsalideae (Cactaceae). Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 15: 255-268. [Download pdf]

Baalim, F., C. Peters, and J.H. Cota-Sánchez. (2013). Distribution and natural history of carnivorous plants in Saskatchewan, Canada. Check List 9: 883-893. [Download pdf]

Cota-Sánchez, J.H., O.J. G., Almeida, D.J. Falconer, H.J. Choi, and B. Lewis. (2013). Intriguing thigmonastic (sensitive) stamens in the Plains Prickly Pear Opuntia polyacantha (Cactaceae). Flora 208: 381-389. [Download pdf]

Almeida, O.J. G., A.A.S. Paoli, L.A. Souza, and J.H. Cota-Sánchez. (2013). Seedling morphology and development in the epiphytic cactus Epiphyllum phyllanthus (Cactaceae: Hylocereeae). Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 140: 196-214. [Download pdf]

Abreu, D.D., E. Arruda, G.F.A. Melo-de-Pinna, and J.H. Cota-Sánchez. 2012. Morphology and anatomy of stem mines in Cipocereus minensis (Wender.) Ritter (Cactaceae: Cactoideae), an endemic species to Eastern Brazil. Haseltonia 17: 42–50. 2012

Almeida, O.J., A.A. Paoli, and J.H. Cota-Sánchez. (2012). A macro- and micromorphological survey of floral and extrafloral nectaries in the epiphytic cactus Rhipsalis teres (Cactoideae: Rhipsalideae). Flora 207: 119-125. [Download pdf].

Choi, H.J., L.M. Giussani, C.G. Jang, B.U. Oh, and J.H. Cota-Sánchez. (2012). Systematics of disjunct northeastern Asian and northern North American Allium (Amaryllidaceae). Botany / Botanique 90: 491-502. [Download pdf].

Cota-Sánchez, J.H., A. Reyes-Olivas, & D.D. Abreu. (2011). Vivipary in the cactus family: A reply to Ortega-Baes' et al. evaluation of 25 species from northwestern Argentina. J. Arid Environments. 75: 878-880. [Download PDF]

Choi, H.J., A.R. Davis, and J.H. Cota-Sánchez. (2011). Comparative Floral Structure of Four New World Allium (Amaryllidaceae) Species. Systematic Botany 36: 870-882. [Download PDF]

Lugo-García, G.A, M.A. Morón, A. Reyes-Olivas, A. Aragón-García, L.D. Ortega-Arenas y J.H. Cota-Sánchez. (2011). Un estudio de la riqueza de escarabajos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) en islas de las Bahias de Ohuira y Navachiste, Sinaloa, México. Duguesiana 18: 1-10. [Download pdf].

Cota-Sánchez, J. H. and M. Bomfim-Patricio. (2010). Seed morphology, ploidy and the evolutionary history of the epiphytic cactus Rhipsalis baccifera (Cactaceae). Polibotánica. 29: 107-129.[Download PDF]

Choi, H.J., C. Peters, and J.H. Cota-Sánchez. (2010). Taxonomy of Wild Onions (Allium) in Saskatchewan. Blue Jay. 68: 146-153. [Download PDF]

Choi, H.J. and J.H. Cota-Sánchez. (2010). A systematic review of Allium (Alliaceae) in the Canadian Prairie Provinces. Botany / Botanique. 88: 787-809. [Download PDF]

Choi, H.J. and J.H. Cota-Sánchez. (2009). Nodding Onion (Allium cernuum), a rare plant in Saskatchewan. Blue Jay. 67: 249-252. [Download PDF]

Cota-Sánchez, J. H. and V.L. Harms. (2009). The W.P. Fraser Herbarium (SASK) of the University of Saskachewan: Past, present and future. Blue Jay 67: 97-104 [Download PDF]

Baker, M., J. Rebman, B. Parfitt, D. Pinkava, C. Christy, A. Salywon, A. Zimmerman, R. Puente-Martínez, and J. H. Cota. (2009). Chromosome numbers of miscellaneous angiosperm taxa. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas. 3: 279-283 [Download PDF]

Giussani, L. M., Zuloaga, F. O., Quarín, C. L., Cota-Sánchez, J. H.,Ubayasena, K., and Morrone, O. (2009). Molecular phylogeny of Paspalum (Poaceae): An assessment of the Quadrifaria and Virgata informal groups. Systematic Botany 34: 32-43 [Download PDF]

Cota-Sánchez, J.H. and D. S. Croutch. (2008). Notes on the floral biology of Praecereus euchlorus subsp. euchlorus (Cactaceae). Schumannia [Download PDF]

Pirie, M. D., A. M. Humphreys, C. Galley, N. P. Barker, G. A. Verboom, D. Orlovich, S. J. Draffin, K. Lloyd, C. M. Baeza, M. Negritto, E. Ruiz, J. H. Cota-Sánchez, E. Reimer, and H. P. Linder. (2008). A novel supermatrix approach resolves phylogenetic relationships in danthonioid grasses. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 48: 1106-1119 [Download PDF]

Cota-Sánchez, J. H. and D. D. Abreu. (2007). Vivipary and offspring survival in the epiphytic cactus Epiphyllum phyllanthus (Cactaceae). Journal of Experimental Botany 58: 3865-3873 (doi: 10.1093/jxb/erm232) [Download PDF]

Cota-Sánchez J. H., A. Reyes-Olivas, and B. Sánchez-Soto (2007). Vivipary in coastal cacti: A potential reproductive strategy in holophytic environments. Amer. J. Bot. 94: 1577-1581 [Download PDF]

Cota-Sánchez, J.H. and K. Remarchuk. (2007). An inventory of aquatic and subaquatic plants in SASKWater canals in southern Saskatchewan before and after the application of herbicide Magnacide. Canadian Field Naturalist 121(2): 164-167 [Download PDF]

Reimer, E. and J. H. Cota-Sánchez. (2007). A Scanning Electron Microscope survey of leaf epidermis in the Danthonioideae (Poaceae). Systematic Botany 32: 60-70 [Download PDF]

Su, Z. and J. H. Cota-Sánchez. (2007). A comparative study of the Floras of China and Canada. Polibotánica 24: 25-51 [Download PDF]

Cota-Sánchez, J. H., K. Remarchuk, and K. Ubayasena. (2006). Ready to use DNA extracted with a CTAB method adapted for herbarium specimens and mucilaginous plant tissue. Plant Mol. Biol. Reptr. 24: 161-167 [Download PDF]

Remarchuk, K. and J. H. Cota-Sánchez. (2005). Vascular plant survey of Meadow Lake Provincial Park, SK. Blue Jay. 63: 179-192 [Download PDF]

J. H. Cota-Sánchez. (2004). Vivipary in the Cactaceae: Its Taxonomic Occurrence and Biological Significance. Flora. 199: 481-490 [Download PDF]

Cota-Sánchez, J. H., R. W. Olson, and J. Haraldson. (2004). The Type Collection of the W. P. Fraser (SASK) Herbarium of the University of Saskatchewan. Polibotánica 17: 131-138 [Download PDF]

Cota-Sánchez, J. H. 2002. Taxonomy, distribution, rarity status and uses of Canadian cacti. Haseltonia : 1-9 [Download PDF]

Butterworth, C.A., J.H. Cota Sánchez and R.S. Wallace. 2002. Molecular Systematics of Tribe Cacteae (Cactaceae: Cactoideae): A phylogeny based on rpl16 intron sequence variation. Systematic Botany 27: 257 270 [Download PDF]

Giussani, L.M., J. H. Cota-Sánchez, F. O Zuloaga, and E. A. Kellogg. 2001. A molecular phylogeny of the grass subfamily Panicoideae (Poaceae) shows multiple origins of C4 photosynthesis. Amer. J. Bot. 88: 1993-2012 [Download PDF]

Cota, J.H. and R.S. Wallace. 1998-1999. Cytologie en Moleculaire Systematiek in de Familie Cactaceae. Succulenta 77: 51 54; 185 188; 234 237; 272 277; 78: 43 45 [Download PDF 1998] [Download PDF 1999]

Cota, J.H. and R.S. Wallace. 1997. Chloroplast DNA evidence for divergence in Ferocactus and its relationships to North American columnar cacti (Cactaceae: Cactoideae). Syst. Bot. 22: 529-542 [Download PDF]

Wallace, R.S. and J.H. Cota. 1996. An intron loss in the chloroplast gene rpoC1 supports a monophyletic origin for the subfamily Cactoideae. Current Genetics 29: 275 281 [Download PDF]

Cota, J.H., J.P. Rebman and R.S. Wallace. 1996. Chromosome numbers in Ferocactus (Cactaceae: Cactoideae). Cytologia 61: 431 437 [Download PDF]

Cota, J.H. and R.S. Wallace. 1996. La citología y la sistemática molecular en la familia Cactaceae. Cact. Suc. Mex. 41: 27 45 [Download PDF]

Cota, J.H. and R.S. Wallace. 1995. Karyotypic studies in the genus Echinocereus and its taxonomic implications. Caryologia 48: 105 122 [Download PDF]

Cota, J.H., R.S. Wallace and L.G. Clark. 1995. Notes on the Cacti of Quintana Roo, Mexico. Cact. Succ. Journ. (U.S.) 67: 294 300

Cota, J.H. and C.T. Philbrick. 1994. Chromosome number variation and polyploidy in the genus Echinocereus. Amer. J. Bot. 81: 1054 1062 [Download PDF]

Cota, J.H. 1993. Pollination syndromes in the genus Echinocereus: A review. Cact. Succ. Journ. (U.S.) 65: 19 26 [Download PDF]

Cota, J.H. 1990. The cacti of Cedros Island, Baja California, Mexico. Cact. Succ. Journ. (U.S.) 62: 294-301

Barrios, M.A., J.H. Cot and M. Medina. 1987. Una especie nueva de Peperomia (Piperaceae) del Valle de Mexico. Phytologia 65: 54-57.

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J. H. Cota-Sánchez. 2008. Evolución de Cactáceas en la region del Golfo de California, México. Pp 67-79. In: Estudios de las Islas de Baja California. Flores-Campaña, L. M. (ed). Univ. Autónoma de Sinaloa, Gov. Edo. Sinaloa-CONACyT, México. 221 pp [Download PDF]

Reyes-Olivas, A., V. Apodaca-Ovalle, J. H. Cota-Sánchez, and P. Casillas-Alvarez. 2008. Suelo y topografía controlan la diversidad y estructura de la vegetación insular en el desierto costero de Sinaloa. Pp 53-66. In: Estudios de las Islas de Baja California. Flores-Campaña, L. M. (ed). Univ. Autónoma de Sinaloa, Gov. Edo. Sinaloa-CONACyT, México. 221 pp. Gov. Edo. Sinaloa-CONACyT, México. 221 pp [Download PDF]

J.H. Cota-Sánchez. 1996. A review of Ferocactus Britton and Rose. Pp. 35 80. In: The Genus Ferocactus: Taxonomy and Ecology. S. Yaloff and R. Brown (eds.) Termites Press, CA

J.H. Cota-Sánchez and K. Remarchuk. 2005. The aquatic flora of SASK Water canal system in Saskatchewan. University of Saskatchewan Press. 41 pp

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