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Glossary of terms. See also a Pictorial Glossary for shapes and for some mushroom characteristics at the bottom of this page.
Adnate – gills on a mushroom attached broadly/squarely
to the stem (see picture glossary)
Adnexed – only a small part of the gills on a mushroom
attached to the stem (see picture glossary)
Aecio- -- prefix meaning cup
Alveolate – like a honeycomb
Amyloid – turning blue-black to dark violet upon exposure
to iodine stain or Melzer's reagent (see also dextrinoid)
Angiocarpous – describing a sporocarp that is closed
at least until the spores are mature
Annulus – the "ring"; a band of tissue encircling
the stem of a mushroom (e. g. commercial button mushrooms), sometimes movable
Apex – tip
Apical, at the tip (opposite of basal – at the base)
Apo- – prefix meaning open, e. g. apothecium –
open disk-like ascoma
Appendiculate – with fragments of the veil of a mushroom
hanging to the cap edge
Arthropods – animals with exoskeletons, such as insects
and spiders and crabs
Asco- – prefix meaning sack
Ascocarp – ascus bearing structure of an ascomycete
Ascoma (-ta) – ascus bearing structure of an ascomycete
Ascus – sack-like structure containing the sexual spores
of ascomycetes
Attached – gills fastened to the stem of a mushroom
(see gill attachment)
Auto- – prefix meaning self
Basal – at the base (opposite of apical)
Basidio- – prefix meaning small pedestal
Basidium – structure producing the sexual spores of
basidiomycetes. Two major kinds, distinguished by lacking (holobasidia) or
having (heterobasidia) septa.
Binding hyphae (in basidiomata) – thick walled, highly
branched, aseptate, interwoven, narrow, binding generative and skeletal hyphae
Boletoid – shape of a bolete spore, here, Boletus
Campanulate – bell shaped, typically describing mushroom
caps (see picture glossary)
Cap – the expanded, upper part of the mushroom; whose
surface is the pileus
Cartilaginous – tough-brittle, making a noise when
Central – describing mushroooms – with stem attached
at the centre of the cap
Circinate – twisted round, coiled
Clavate – club shaped, widest at the tip (see picture
Cleisto- – prefix meaning closed
Confluent – for mushrooms – tissues of cap and
stem alike and continuous so that cap and stem are not easily separated. Typical
of Cantharellus (chantarelles)
Conic – roughly cone-shaped, generally for mushroom
Context (in basidiomata) – tissue type in hymenomycetes
(Holobasidiomycetes). The hyphal mass between the upper surface of the basidiocarp
and the fertile layer of cells (gills, pores, teeth). The "meat"
of the cap of a mushroom, or the middle of a bracket
Convex – somewhat the shape of a half-circle, regularly
rounded on top (as in the diagram above)
Coprophilous – living on dung (syn. fimicolous)
Corti- – prefix meaning bark
Cortina – a cobwebby, veil-like structure extending
from cap margin to stem but soon disappearing (see picture glossary)
Cuticle – skin of a mushroom cap or stem
Cylindrical – having the shape of a cylinder (see picture
Decurrent – describing mushroom gills as running down
the stem (see picture glossary)
Deliquescing – dissolving and falling to the ground
as drops of liquid, e. g. Coprinus caps
Dendroid – treelike in form
Dentate – toothed (see picture glossary)
Denticle– short toothlike projection
Depressed – with the central part sunken below the
level of the margin (see picture glossary)
Dextrinoid – turning red-purple upon exposure to iodine
or Melzer's reagent (see also amyloid)
Dichotomous – divided into two
Didymospore – a two-celled spore
Dimidiate – semi-circular in outline (see picture glossary)
Dimitic (in basidiomata) – sporocarps with two kinds
of hyphae, generative and skeletal
Dung – manure
Eccentric – not attached in the center
Ellipsoid – elliptical, with both ends similar (see
Elongate – not globose, but this term does not specify
a particular shape
Emarginate – notched next to the stem, typically describing
mushroom gills (see picture glossary)
Eu- – prefix meaning true
Evanescent – soon disappearing
Falcate – curved like a sickle or new moon (see picture
Fertile – able to produce spores
Fibrils – small flecks or strands of fibrous material
Fibrillose – covered with or containing fibrils
Fibrous – tough, stringy, not breaking straight across
Filiform – threadlike (see picture glossary)
Fimbriate – with hairs
Fimicolous – living on dung (syn. coprophilous)
Fleshy – rather soft, putrescent, spongy; often describing
mushroom caps
Floccose –with cottony material on the surface
Fragile – easily broken
Free – mushrooms with gills entirely unattached to the stem (see Gill
Furcate – forked (see picture glossary)
Fusoid -– somewhat fusiform
Fusiform – spindle shaped, narrowing at each end
Gelatinous – the consistence of jelly. Subgelatinous
is firm jelly.
Generative hyphae (in basidiomata) – thin walled, branched,
usually septate but with or without clamp connections, giving rise to other
kinds of hyphae in the basidiocarp, as well as to the hymenium
Germ pore – special region of the spore from which
germination occurs, often appearing a s a circle on the spore wall
Gills – blade-like structures on the underside of mushroom
caps in agarics
Gill attachment (see picture glossary)
Gill spacing (see picture glossary)
Globose – spherical or nearly so
Gymnocarpus -– having the primordium and mature sporocarp
with an exposed hymenium
Helicospore – cylindrical spiral spore, one or more
Hemiangiocarpous – sporocarp opening before spores
are quite mature
Hetero- – prefix meaning other
Heteromerous – containing cells with distinctive textures
(e. g. in Russula, spherical cells and hyphae intermixed; in Lactarius,
+/– latex bearing hyphae)
Holomorph –all forms produced by a species during its
life cycle = anamorph + teleomorph
Homo- – prefix meaning same
Homomerous/homiomerous – composed of one type of cell
Homoiomerous – of a lichen thallus, having the fungal
and algal components intermixed throughout
Homothallism – self-fertility
Hyaline – devoid of colour
Hyalo- – prefix meaning colourless. Note – spores
are considered to be pigmented if the walls appear dark either individually
or within a mass.
Hyalospore – one-celled conidium devoid of colour (if
coloured, a phaeospore)
Hygrophanous – appearing water-soaked, especially of
mushroom caps
Hymenium – fertile layer of a sporocarp, for example
on ascomata and basidiomata
Hyphal analysis –(in basidiomata) descriptions of the
development and structure of the sporocarps of higher fungi based on a paper
by Corner, 1932, Transactions of the British Mycological Society 17:51 (TBMS,
now Mycological Research) Basidiocarps are defined by the number of types
of hyphae they contain: monomitic, dimitic trimitic see individual entries
for definitions)
Incurved – with the margin (usually of a mushroom cap)
turning inward toward the stem
Indusium – the skirt under the head of certain stinkhorns
Inrolled – with the edge (usually of a mushroom cap)
rolling up on the side next to the stem
Intercalary – between base and apex
Lamella (-ae) – a single leaf (or leaves) of a gill
Lateral – a mushroom stipe attached to one side of
the cap, e. g. Pleurotus
Lignicolous – growing on wood
Lenticular – lens shaped (see picture glossary)
Membranous – like a membrane; thin and flexible, or
Meristem – actively dividing cells
Meristem arthrospore – one of a chain of conidia maturing
in basipetal succession, and originating by meristematic growth of the apical
region of the conidiophore, but not from a phialide, e. g. Oidium
–merous – suffix meaning part (e. g. trimerous means in three
Monomitic: (in basidiomata) sporocarp with one kind of hypha
– generative
Mushroom – the reproductive body of certain basidiomycetes;
typically consists of cap, stem and gills
Mutualism – "living together" of unlike species
to their mutual benefit, e. g. mycorrhizae, lichens.
Mycelium (-ia) – a mass of hyphae, with or without
Non-amyloid – not changing colour in response to iodine
(Melzer's reagent) but staying yellow-brown to brown
Obclavate – club shaped, but widest at the base (see
Obconic -– not quite conical
Obovoid – like ovoid (hen’s egg shape) but narrow
end at the base
Obtuse – rounded or blunt
Ochre – dingy-yellowish
-oecious – suffix meaning house
Ontogeny – development
Operculum – a round apical lid, on an ascus tip of
certain species
Ovoid – like a hen’s egg, with one end narrower
than the other, wide end at the base (see obovoid and ellipsoid, and picture
Para- – prefix meaning beside
-physis – suffix meaning growth
Paraphyses – sterile determinate hyphae that separate
asci in some ascomata
Parasitic – living on or within another organism and
obtaining nutrients at the expense of that organism (see mutualistic and symbiotic)
Per- – prefix meaning 'more than'
Peri- – prefix meaning around
Persistent – remaining for a long time
Phaeo- – prefix meaning coloured. Note – spores
are considered to be pigmented if the walls appear dark either separate or
within a mass.
Phaeospore – coloured one-celled spore
Phago- prefix meaning to eat
Pseudo – prefix meaning false
Pileus – surface covering of a mushroom cap
Pip-shaped – like an apple seed (see picture glossary)
-podium – suffix meaning foot
Pore – structure in the tips of some asci, often containing
Pro- – prefix meaning before
Pseudo- – prefix meaning false
Pyriform – pear-shaped
Recurved – curved with the outside of the curve expanded
(like a sickle, or a new moon)
Resupinate – upside down; the gills face outward, and
the "upper surface" rests on the substrate; e.g. the gills of Schizophyllum
Reviving – having the property of expanding to normal
shape and size when moistened
Rhizoid – a root-like structure, a filamentous branchike
extension for feeding rather than reproduction
Ring – annulus (see picture glossary)
Sapro- – prefix meaning rotten
Saprobic / saprophytic gaining nutrients from dead material
Saxi- – prefix meaning rock
Scolecospores – filiform (threadlike) spores
Seceding – at first attached to the stem but later
separating from it
Secession – release, breaking off, separating of spores
from sporogenous cells
Separable – easily separated or dis-joined
Serrate – with the edge broken or notched so as to
resemble the toothed edge of a saw (see picture glossary)
Sessile – without a stem; attached directly to the
Setae – bristles
Shelving – attached to an object by the side of the
cap and forming a shelf, like a bracket
Silky – covered with shiny, close-set fibrils
Simple – opposite of branched
Sinuate – with a U-shaped indentation next to the stem
(see picture glossary)
Skeletal hyphae (in basidiomata) – thick walled, branched
or unbranched, aseptate, straight or slightly flexuous, with thin-walled apices
Spore – general term for a reproductive structure of
fungi, that does not contain an embryo. In fungi, spores may be single or
Spore colour – In mushrooms, spore colour is diagnostic,
and can be determined by placing a severed cap right-side up on a white or
black paper and covering with a tumbler; usually after a few hours many spores
will have fallen
Sp(p) – abbreviation for species, singular and plural
Stalked – with a stem
Stellate – star-shaped
Stipe – stalk of a mushroom
Stroma – fused mass of hyphae appearing as a tissue
Stuffed – filled with a soft, rather cottony center
that usually disappears in mature specimens, typical of the stems of certain
mushroom species
Sub- – a prefix meaning "somewhat"
Subglobose – nearly but not completely spherical
Subhyaline – not quite colourless, but not strongly
pigmented, e.g., conidia/conidiophores of Aspergillus nidulans
Subtending – extending from underneath
Symbiosis – "living together" of unlike species
to their mutual benefit, e. g. mycorrhizae, lichens
Teleomorph – sexual stage in a fungal life cycle (nonsexual
stage is the anamorph)
Terri- – prefix meaning earth
Terrestrial – on the ground
Throughout – in all parts of the structure
Thallus – vegetative body, typically a mycelial, and
typically non-motile
-thecium – suffix meaning case
Trama – the inner tissue of the cap or gill
Trichodermium – describing the caps of boletes, where
hairs project from the surface, giving a velvety appearance if dry
Trimitic (in basidiomata) – Sporocarp with three kinds
of hyphae: generative, skeletal, and binding
Unitunicate – asci with a single membrane layer, sometimes
with a pore structure or operculum (lid)
Verticilliate – having parts in rings or whorls
Vesiculose – with a delicate, bubbly or foamy texture
Viscid – slimy
Whorl – a ring, one turn of a spiral
Zygo- – prefix meaning yoke; a paired structure
Pictorial Glossary
Pictorial key to shapes, modified from Ainsworth and Bisby, 1971.
Figures 1-32 represent three-dimensional structures
Shapes based on the sphere and ellipsoids, distinguished by the ratio of a:b.
1:1 globose or spherical
1:2 subglobose or prolate spheroidal
1:3 broadly ellipsoidal (sub-prolate) to ellipsoidal (prolate)
1:4 oval (per-prolate)
1:5 fusiform
2 filiform
3 acerose
4 cylindrical, restricted to shapes where length
to width is 2:1 to 3:1
4a bacilliform
4b with rounded apices
4c with truncated apices
5 discoid or lenticular
5a in surface view
5b discoid in side view
5c lenticular in side view
6 sigmoid
7 reniform (fabiform)
8 allantoid
9 lunate (crescentic)
10 falcate
11 ovoid
12 obovoid
13 lecythiform
14 pyriform
15 obpyriform
16 clavate
17 obclavate
18 capitate
19 spathulate
20 bicampanulate
21 turbinate
22 quadrangular (rhomboidal)
23 cunieform
24 dolabriform
25 campanulate
26 napiform
27 biconic
28 lageniform
29 peltate
30 ampulliform
31 doliiform
32 cymbiform (navicular)
33 acicular
34 subulate
35 hamate (uncinulate)
36 corniform
37 circinate
38 ventricose
39 mucronate
40 papillate
41 acute
Margins (edges)
42 sinuate
43 crenate
44 crenulate
45 dentate
46 serrate
47 laciniate
Mushroom morphology
The following diagrams are modified from Lincoff, G. H. 1981 National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms. Alfred A. Knopf, New York. ISBN 0-394-51992-2
Mushroom cap shapes
Mushroom cap surfaces
Gill spacing
Gill tissue arrangements
Gill attachment to stalk
Annular rings