U of S  
Fungi of Saskatchewan
Picture of Aminita muscaria
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114a (113b) Outer skin dull white with pointed spines that break off - Lycoperdon perlatum
    Cross References Cross References:
      Ar693; Bo71, 78; M308; Mc355; P283
114b (113b) Outer skin light to bark brown with 3-6mm long whitish coarse hairs - Lycoperdon echinatum
    Cross References Cross References:
      Ar694; M308; Mc354; P283
114c (113b) Outer skin white to dingy brown with short (1mm) separated hairs - Lycoperdon umbrinum
    Cross References Cross References:
      Ar691, 694; M308; Mc355
  Other Lycoperdon species found in Saskatchewan
    Lycoperdon: molle,saccatum