U of S  
Fungi of Saskatchewan
Picture of Aminita muscaria
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15a (14a) In cespitose clusters, close together but not joined above ground; stalk with a ring - Armillaria mellea and Cystoderma
    Cross References Cross References:  
  A. mellea: A736; Ar196; Ba246; Bo 34; ,L85; M106; Mc136; P37; S79, 256;
Cystoderma: A510; Ar198; Bo38, 40; L18; M113; Mc152; P152; S91, 271

Other species found in Saskatchewan:  
    Armillaria: caligata,ponderosa
    Cystoderma: amianthinum,cinnabarinum,granulosum
15b (14a) Solitary or cespitose, stem without a ring 16