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Fungi of Saskatchewan
Picture of Aminita muscaria
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33a (32b) Cap 6-45 cm broad and edge may be fluted; surface of gills and
stem chalky white - Leucopaxillus
    Cross References Cross References:
      A748, 767-8; Ar159, 166-8; Bo36, 42; L87; M 145-51; Mc161-3; P60; S83, 259
    Species in SkSpecies found in Saskatchewan:
      Leucopaxillus: albissimus,giganteus,piceinus
33b (32b) Stem long and thin for size of cap; cap convex and knobbed; gills
notched - Melanoleuca
    Cross References Cross References:
      A776-7; Ar169-71; Ba281; Bo46; L48; M152; Mc169; P50; S84, 260
    Species in SkSpecies found in Saskatchewan:
      Melanoleuca: alboflavida,cognata,evenosa,grammopodia,melaleuca
33c (32b) Stem thick, fleshy, robust; cap convex and sometimes with a
depressed centre; gills broadly attached or notched - Tricholoma
    Cross References Cross References:
      A667, 733-5, 740, 750, 778, 799-808; Ar176-82; Ba298-301;
Bo50, 52, 69; L54-68; M152-7; Mc185-93; P40-5; S64-9, 240
    Species in SkSpecies found in Saskatchewan:

Tricholoma: alborunneum,album,caligatum,cingulatum,