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Fungi of Saskatchewan
Picture of Aminita muscaria
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Many in this family are poisonous, often deadly, so should be avoided as potential menu items. Common features in the field include 1) white spores, 2) development from an "egg" which when cut open has stem, cap and gills (unlike young puffballs), 3) a universal veil which either splits creating the cup (volva) at the base of the stem and may also leave warts on the cap, 4) a partial veil that leaves a ring (annulus) on the stem. Two genera.

34a (5a) Volva and/or universal veil slimy and glutinous - Limacella
    Cross References Cross References:
      A554; Ar262, 291-2; Ba243; Bo4; L17; Mc213; P37; S57, 230
    Species in SkSpecies found in Saskatchewan:
      Limacella: glioderma,illinita
34b (5a) Volva and/or universal veil fibrous or filmy or hairy - Amanita
    Cross References Cross References:
      A525-55; Ar262-90; Ba235-41; Bo2, 4; L1-16; M25-39; Mc215-39; P14-29; S53-7, 227
    Species in SkSpecies found in Saskatchewan:
      Amanita: caesarea,citrina,flavoconia,fulva,muscaria, vaginata