U of S  
Fungi of Saskatchewan
Picture of Aminita muscaria
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49a (48b) Fruiting body and spore print bright rusty orange to brown; cap hairless when young; stem central; from wood - Gymnopilus
    Cross References Cross References:
      A623; Ar407-11; Ba222-3; L198; M202-5; Mc298-9; P172; S123, 310
49b (48b) Spore print dull brown; cap and/or stem typically scaly or knobby; cespitose - Pholiota
    Cross References Cross References:
      A524, 556-8, 621, 639, 712-8, 726; Ar384-96; Ba215-8; Bo32; L190-4; M205-11; Mc270-4; P175
    Species in SkSpecies found in Saskatchewan:
      Pholiota: adiposa,destruens,flammans,mutabilis,spectabilis,