U of S  
Fungi of Saskatchewan
Picture of Aminita muscaria
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This family has purple-brown spores, a central stem, and attached gills. The Agaricaceae have free gills. Continariaceae have red- to yellow-brown spores and a hairy annulus that may be a few persistent fibrils on the stem.

53a (11d) Persistent superior ring (except for S. aeruginosa which has almost no ring, but a viscous yellow to bright green cap) - Stropharia
    Cross References Cross References:
      A725-30; Ar374-80; Ba206-7; Bo32; L208, 201-2; M180-3; Mc262-6; P196; S129, 316
    Species in SkSpecies found in Saskatchewan:
      Stropharia: aeruginosa,cyanea,kauffmanii,rugosoannulata,
53b (11d) Thin stem, conic cap, moist-tacky-viscid; with to without ring; never cespitose; on dung, grass or humus - Psilocybe
    Cross References Cross References:
      A719-25; Ar368-76; Ba204; L209; M180, 183-5; Mc274; P197; S136, 323
53c (11d) Convex cap, sometimes with low knob, occasionally with thickened stem; on wood - Naematatoloma
    Cross References Cross References:
      A708-10; Ar381-4; L213-5; M180, 185-9; Mc268-70; S321